From: (Ron C. Carman) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc,rec.answers,news.answers Subject: Star Trek Actors' Other Roles FAQ [14/15] Date: 7 Aug 1999 11:57:17 GMT Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Message-ID: <Star-Trek/Actors-Roles/> Archive-name: Star-Trek/Actors-Roles/Part4.02 Last-modified: 6 August 1999 Version: 8.3 Some other people who have had guest spots in Star Trek: Michelle Agnew Scharn "Retrospect" Christopher Aguilar Andrew "Before and After" Kathy Ahart Crewwoman "Space Seed" Budd Albright Rayburn "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" Virginia Aldridge Lt. Karen Tracy "Wolf in the Fold" Elle Alexander Female Guard "Nor the Battle to the Strong" George E. Allen Engineer #1 "Devil in the Dark" Richard Allen Kentor "The Ensigns of Command" Carolyn Allport Jessica Bradley "The Big Goodbye" Nathan Anderson Rafin "Nemesis" Benita Andre Anara "The Forsaken" Richard Anthony Rider "Spectre of the Gun" Gary Armagnal Lieutenant McNary "The Big Goodbye" Gene Armor Bajoran Bureaucrat "Emissary" Dave Armstrong Kartan "Operation -- Annihilate!" Dawn Arnemann Miss Gladstone "The Child" Kelly Ashmore Francine "We'll Always Have Paris" Mina Badie Security Officer "Paradise Lost" Michael H. Bailous Jem'Hadar #1 "Hippocratic Oath" Brenan Baird Soldier "Things Past" Becky Ann Baker The Guide "Sacred Ground" Scott Thompson Baker First Kudak'Etan "One Little Ship" Ted Barba Malin "Random Thoughts" ?? Barker Female Talosian "The Cage" Stan Barrett Jailer "All Our Yesterdays" Carolyne Barry Female Engineer "Home Soil" Ivor Bartels Young Klingon "Apocalypse Rising" William Bastiani Omag "Unification, Part II" C.J. Bau Bartender "Star Trek: First Contact" Hayne Bayle Ten Forward Crewman "The Offspring" Charles Beck Elasian Guard #2 "Elaan of Troyius" James G. Becker Ten Forward Crewman "The Offspring" Bonnie Beecher Sylvia "Spectre of the Gun" Thomas Belgrey Crewmember "Realm of Fear" Caesar Belli Steve O'Connel "And the Children Shall Lead" Arthur Bernard Apella "A Private Little War" Andrew Bicknell Wagnor "The Hunted" Michele Ameen Billy Lieutenant "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Ed Bishop Voice of Megan Prosecutor "The Magicks of Megas-Tu" Cynthia Blaise Young Amanda "STV:TFF" Katherine Blum Vulcan Child "ST III: The Search for Spock" George Bochman Crewman "The Corbomite Maneuver" Jim Boeke First Klingon General "Star Trek VI: TUC" Jimmie Booth Klingon Crewman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Jessica Bova Alexandra "When the Bough Breaks" Vanessa Bova Alexandra "When the Bough Breaks" John Boyer Guard #2 "Turnabout Intruder" Paul Bradley Ensign Freeman "The Trouble with Tribbles" Ralph Brannen Crewmember "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Mike Brislane Saratoga Science Officer "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Alison Brooks Ensign Chilton "All Good Things..." Lee Brooks Aphasia Victim "Babel" Benjamin Brown Kagan "Inquisition" Jeb Brown Ensign "Nor the Battle to the Strong" Marcia Brown Alice in Wonderland "Shore Leave" Ursaline Bryant Captain Tryla Scott "Conspiracy" Robert Budaska Burly Klingon "Apocalypse Rising" John Buonomo Orderly "Requiem for Methuselah" Bobby Burns Frane "Random Thoughts" Elkanah J. Burns Temarek "The Vengeance Factor" John Burnside Eminian Guard/Technician "A Taste of Armageddon" [Unc.] Megan Butler Lieutenant "Emissary" Ralph Byers Crewmember "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Cassandra Byram Com Officer "Emissary" Eric Cadora Customer "Business as Usual" Vince Calenti Security Guard "The Alternative Factor" Cecile Callan Ptera "Emanations" Gloria Calomee Crewwoman "The Corbomite Maneuver" Laura Cameron Bajoran Woman "Q-Less" Richard Cansino Dr. Garin "Deja Q" Tony Carlin Physician "The Thaw" Katrina Carlson Bajoran Officer "The Siege" John Carr Security Guard "Shore Leave" Kevin Carr Bajoran "Life Support" Nicholas Cascone Davies "Pen Pals" Timor "Equilibrium" Al Cavens Fop #2 "All Our Yesterdays" Jon Cavett Guard "Devil in the Dark" Sylvain Cecile Uri'Lash "Profit and Lace" Dylan Chalfy Head Officer "Homefront" Marie Chambers Kyrian Arbiter "Living Witness" Brian Evaret Chandler Brota "Children of Time" Estee Chandler Oliana Mirren "Coming of Age" John Chandler Flith "Honor Among Thieves" ?? Christie Hood "A Piece of the Action" Susan Christy Tarrana "Homeward" Charles S. Chun Engineer "Trials and Tribble-ations" Clive Church Maurice Picard "Tapestry" John Cirigliano Alien #1 "Emanations" Christopher Clarke Lord Byron "Darkling" Bob Clendenin Vidiian Surgeon "Deadlock" Gordon Coffey Romulan Soldier "The Enterprise Incident" Rhodie Cogan Witch #1 "Catspaw" Matthew Collins Picard's Kid "Star Trek: Generations" Mimi Collins Picard's Kid "Star Trek: Generations" Mark Colson Dream Alien "Waking Moments" David Q. Combs 1st Mediator "Justice" Richard Compton Washburn "The Doomsday Machine" Romulan Technical Officer "The Enterprise Incident" ?? Conde Hood "A Piece of the Action" Sharon Conley Jomat Luson "Cardassians" Bart Conrad Captain Krasnovsky "Court-Martial" Christian R. Conrad Dunbar "Future's End" "Future's End, Part II" Brilgar "The Darkness and the Light" Gary Coombs Gorn "Arena" Klingon Guard "Errand of Mercy" [Uncredited] Darin Cooper Cardassian Officer "Sacrifice of Angels" Erik Cord Thug "The Big Goodbye" Terry Correll N.D. Crewmember "Elogium" Crewmember "Twisted" Brant Cotton Idanian "A Simple Investigation" Mickey Cottrell Alrik "The Perfect Mate" Dumah "The Raven" Chuck Courtney Davod "Patterns of Force" Paula Crist Crewmember "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ##NEW## Lorella Cuccarini bit part [Uncr.] "Star Trek: Insurrection" Joseph Culp Raimus "Honor Among Thieves" Patrick Cupo Bajoran Man "A Man Alone" Tom Curtis Corrigan "Court-Martial" Tracy D'Arcy Young Woman "Cost of Living" Leo Damian Warrior/Adonis "Loud As a Whisper" Connie Danese Toya "When the Bough Breaks" Jerry Daniels Marple "The Apple" James Daris Morg Creature "Spock's Brain" Joe W. Davis Spock..Age 25 "ST III: The Search for Spock" John Walter Davis Merchant "False Profits" Teddy Davis Transporter Technician "Sins of the Father" Walter Davis Therapist "Dagger of the Mind" Romulan Crewman "Balance of Terror" Klingon Soldier "Errand of Mercy" Timothy Davis-Reed Kyrian Spectator "Living Witness" Charles Dayton Crewman "Where No One Has Gone Before" Zora DeHorter Risian Woman "Let He Who Is Without Sin..." Winston DeLugo Timothy "Court Martial" Scott DeVenney Bob Briggs "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Carol Daniels Dement Zora "The Savage Curtain" Pancho Demmings Kradin Soldier "Nemesis" Mark Dempsey Air Force Captain "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" Charles Dennis Sunad "Transfigurations" ##NEW## Steven Dennis Night Alien "Night" Dick Dial Sam "Devil in the Dark" Kaplan "The Apple" Technician #2 "And the Children Shall Lead" Diaunte Jem'Hadar Guard "The Search, Part II" John Doman Lenaris "Shakaar" Charles Douglas Ensign Haskell "Where Silence Has Lease" Phyllis Douglas Yeoman Mears "The Galileo Seven" Girl #2 "The Way to Eden" Deborah Downey Mavig, Girl #1 "The Way to Eden" Gary Downey Tellarite "Whom Gods Destroy" J. Downing Transporter Chief "The Quality of Life" Chris Doyle Assassin "Sins of the Father" Laura Drake Vekma "A Matter of Honor" Christin Ducheau Crewman "The Naked Time" Brett Dunham Security Chief "The Menagerie" Jon Dweck Boy Who Stole Phaser "Miri" Scott Dweck Boy Who Stole Phaser "Miri" Alan Echeverria Patient "The Quickening" Paul S. Eckstein Fifth Limara'Son "Rocks and Shoals" Young Hirogen "The Killing Game" "The Killing Game, Part II" George Edie Poet "Cost of Living" ##NEW## Kenneth Lane Edwards Ensign "Star Trek: Insurrection" Patrick B. Egan Jiyar "The Assignment" Madison Eginton Picard's Kid "Star Trek: Generations" Steven Einspahr Teacher "Hero Worship" Fadwa El Guindi Amsha Bashir "Doctor Bashir, I Presume" David Ellenstein Doctor #1 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Charles Emmett Resh "Warlord" Douglas Engalla Prisoner at Rura Penthe "Star Trek VI: TUC" Leslie Engelberg Yareth "Vortex" Van Epperson Morgue Attendant "Time's Arrow, Part II" Bajoran Clerk "Q-Less" Mark Erickson Piersall "Second Sight" David Erskine Bandi Shopkeeper "Encounter at Farpoint" Libby Erwin Technician "The Lights of Zetar" Steven John Evans Guard "The Maquis, Part I" Diana Ewing Droxine "The Cloud Minders" Gary Faga Airlock Technician "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Prison Guard #1 "ST III: The Search for Spock" Michael Eugene Fairman Vendor "In the Hands of the Prophets" Susan Fallendar Shalote "Unification, Part II" James Farley Gunnery Officer Lt. Lang "Arena" Keythe Farley Vidiian #2 "Deadlock" Geraldine Farrell Galis Blin "Babel" Todd Feder Federation Male "Babel" Russ Fega Paxim "Basics, Part II" Carlos Ferro Ensign Dern "Genesis" Jimmy Fields Cloud Guard #2 "The Cloud Minders" Michael Fiske Garan Miner "Macrocosm" Brian Fitzpatrick Tedran "Living Witness" Frank Force Elevator Voice "ST III: The Search for Spock" Raymond Forchion Ben Prieto "Skin of Evil" Nicole Forester Dabo Girl "Distant Voices" Brad Forrest Ensign Wyatt "That Which Survives" Stacie Foster Engineer Bartel "Relics" Marilyn Fox Marna "Nemesis" Jerry Foxworth Security Guard "Mudd's Women" John H. Francis Science Crewman "Sarek" Joel Fredericks Engineer "Timescape" Mal Friedman Hendorf "The Apple" Ben Gage Akaar "Friday's Child" Joshua Gallegos Security Officer "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Ron Gans Voice of Armus "Skin of Evil" Buddy Garion 3rd Hood/Krako's Hood "A Piece of the Action" Shay Garner Scientist "A Matter of Time" Richard Garon Ensign Bennet "Innocence" Roderick Garr Shady Alien "Hippocratic Oath" John Garrett Lieutenant "Loud As a Whisper" Stephen Matthew Garvin Ensign "All Good Things..." Barbara Gates Astrochemist "The Changeling" Conroy Gedeon Civilian Agent "ST III: The Search for Spock" Victoria George Ensign Jana Haines "The Gamesters of Triskelion" Sharon Gimpel M-113 Creature "The Man Trap" Edna Glover Vulcan Master "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Thaddeus Golas Controller #1 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Marcy Goldman El Aurian Survivor "Star Trek: Generations" ##NEW## Breon Gorman Lt. Curtis "Star Trek: Insurrection" Martin Goslins Setok "Gambit, Part II" Cynthia Gouw Caithlin Dar "STV:TFF" Kathryn Graf Bajoran Woman "A Man Alone" Sandra Grando 2nd Officer "The Jem'Hadar" David Michael Graves 2nd Edo Boy "Justice" Mel Green Secretary "Family Business" Stephen Gregory Jake Kurland "Coming of Age" Mona Grudt Ensign Graham "Identity Crisis" Jennifer Grundy Ensign "Waking Moments" James Gruzaf Don Juan "Shore Leave" Charles Gunning Miner #3 "The Perfect Mate" Tim Halligan Farrakk "Business as Usual" Scott Hamm Parton "Valiant" Richard Harder Joe "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Nancy Harewood Lt. Nara "Eye of the Beholder" Michael Harney Chadwick "Honor Among Thieves" Dianne Harper Radio Voice "ST II: The Wrath of Khan" Rachael Harris Martis "Before and After" Beverly Hart High Priestess "STV:TFF" Ena Hartman Crewwoman "The Corbomite Maneuver" Andrew Hawkes Amat'igan "Broken Link" Professor Stephen Hawking (1942-??) Himself "Descent, Part I" John Patrick Hayden Cardassian Overseer "Through the Looking Glass" Hillary Hayes Ruby "Star Trek: First Contact" Chad Haywood K'Kath "Real Life" Christopher Held Lindstrom "Return of the Archons" Peter Hendrixson Klingon "The Killing Game, Part II" Sue Henley Ensign "Darkling" Ensign Brooks "Year of Hell" Ed Hice Scalosian "Wink of an Eye" Thomas Hobson Young Jake "Emissary" Hugh Hodgin 6263/Prototype "Prototype" Michelle Horn Saghi "Tears of the Prophets" J.R. Horsting Borg "Star Trek: First Contact" ##NEW## John Hostetter Bolian Officer "Star Trek: Insurrection" Steven Houska Chardis "The Swarm" Leslie C. Howard Yeoman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Jamie Hubbard Salia "The Dauphin" David Hillary Hughes Trefayne "Errand of Mercy" Sayra Hummel Technical Assistant "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Craig Hundley Peter Kirk "Operation: Annihilate!" Tommy Starnes "And the Children Shall Lead" Michael Hungerford Roughneck "Time's Arrow, Part I" Diane M. Hurley Woman "The Game" Heinrich James Borg "Star Trek: First Contact" ##NEW## Randy James Officer "Chrysalis" Lois Jewell Drusilla "Bread and Circuses" Alexandra Johnson One Zero "11001001" Bob Johnson Provider Voice #1 "The Gamesters of Triskelion" Chris Johnson Vidiian #1 "Deadlock" Eric David Johnson Daggin "Caretaker" Joan Johnson Botany Bay Elite Female Guard "Space Seed" Robert C. Johnson Voice of 1st Talosian "The Cage" Katie Jane Johnston Martia as a Child "Star Trek VI: TUC" Jay Jones Ensign Mallory "The Apple" Mirt "A Piece of the Action" Prisoner #1 "The Cloud Minders" Jimmy Jones Crewman Jackson "Catspaw" Nathan Jung Genghis Khan "The Savage Curtain" Nancy Kaine Woman "Remember" Lisa Kaminir Lillias "Rise" Greg Karas Intern #2 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Steve Kehela Sutok "Fair Trade" Dore Keller Crewman/Eng. Ensign "The Child" Irene Kelley Sirah "The Omega Glory" Max Kelvin Achilles "Bread and Circuses" Paul Kent Beach "ST II: The Wrath of Khan" Bobby C. King Security Chief "Paradise Lost" Caroline Junko King Young Keiko "Rascals" Kelli Kirkland Rinna "Favorite Son" Bob Kirsh Glinn "Tears of the Prophets" Ericka Klein Admiral Sitak "Favor the Bold" Yom Klunis Old Man/Ibudan "A Man Alone" William Knight Amorous Crewman "The Naked Time" Joe Knowland Antique Store Owner "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Kenny Koch Kissing Crewman "The Naked Now" Andy Kossin Apprentice "Thine Own Self" Joel Kramer Klingon Crewman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Jim Krestalude El Aurian Survivor "Star Trek: Generations" Tamara Lee Krinsky Townsperson "Star Trek: First Contact" Michelle Krusiec Molly O'Brien "Time's Orphan" Lamont Laird Indian Boy "The Paradise Syndrome" Thad Lamey Devil Monster "Devil's Due" Iva Lane Crewmember "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Zero Zero "11001001" Basil Langton Banjo Man "Caretaker" ?? Laskey Trooper "Patterns of Force" Richard Lavin 2nd Mediator "Justice" Warrior #1 "Loud As a Whisper" Ted LeGarde Herman series "I, Mudd" Tom LeGarde Herman series "I, Mudd" Everett Lee Cafe Owner "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Thelma Lee Kahlest "Sins of the Father" Steve Vincent Leigh Lt. Reese "For the Cause" Maria Leone Ten Forward Crewman "The Offspring" Nora Leonhardt Woman "Eye of the Beholder" Terry Lester Haron "Maneuvers" Scott Leva Ortikan "Soldiers of the Empire" Matt E. Levin Namon "Nemesis" Susan Lewis Transporter Technician "Demon" William Lithgow Pran "Inheritance" Jesse Littlejohn Gabriel "Children of Time" Sidney Liufau Atoa "You Are Cordially Invited" ##NEW## Lori Lively Siana "Shadows and Symbols" Suzanne Lodge Serving Girl "Wolf in the Fold" Heather Long Omag's Woman "Unification, Part II" Isabel Lorca Gabrielle "We'll Always Have Paris" Cindy Lou Enterprise Nurse "Return to Tomorrow" Louahn Lowe Okala "Things Past" Charles O. Lucia Mabus "Alliances" Robert MacKenzie Trazko "Necessary Evil" Jeff Magnus McBride Joran Belar "Equilibrium" Angelo McCabe Crewman "Schisms" Bart McCarthy Adm. Cobum "Favor the Bold" Mart McChesney Armus "Skin of Evil" Sheliak "The Ensigns of Command" Johanna McCloy Calloway "Eye of the Beholder" Kevin McCorkle Alien Captain "The Omega Directive" J. Patrick McCormack Bennett "Doctor Bashir, I Presume" Mary McCusker Nurse "Evolution" Ashley Brianne McDonogh Chief Dorian Collins "Valiant" Scott McElroy Guard "The Darkness and the Light" Mary Anne McGarry Tabris "Living Witness" Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Steth "Vis A Vis" ?? McIntosh Hood "A Piece of the Action" Brendan McKane Technician #1 "Coming of Age" Kelli Ann McNally One One "11001001" Bill McTosh Klingon Crewman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Michael Mack Sirol "The Pegasus" Ensign Hayes "Star Trek: Generations" Buck Maffei Creature "The Galileo Seven" ##NEW## Ken Magee Controller Emck "Night" Tom Magee Klingon Monster "Devil's Due" Michael Mahonen Brone "Nemesis" Rosie Malek-Yonan Tekoa "The Assignment" ?? Malone Ambassadorial Secretary "A Taste of Armageddon" [Unc.] Johnny Mandell Sulu's Boy "Mirror, Mirror" Trula M. Marcus Female Villager "Shadowplay" Heide Margolis Norva "The Quickening" Morgan H. Margolis Vaskan Visitor "Living Witness" Stephen Markle Tholl "Allegiance" Steve Marlo Zabo/1st Hood "A Piece of the Action" Marc Marosi Gul "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" David Anthony Marshall [Uncr.] Annika's Father "Scorpion, Part II" "The Raven" Henry Marshall Security Officer "Star Trek: Generations" Joel Marstan Crew Chief "ST II: The Wrath of Khan" Jeffrey Martin Electronic Technician "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Meade Martin Engineer "The Changeling" Benito Martinez Salazar "Descent, Part II" Marybeth Massett Parell "Children of Time" Eric Matthew 1st Edo Boy "Justice" Maurishka Yeoman Zahra "Operation: Annihilate!" William Meader Space Commandant Rep. Lindstrom "Court-Martial" James Menges Jogger "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Richard Merrifield Technician Webb "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" Todd Merrill Gleason "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" "Future Imperfect" Richard Merson Pie Man "Elementary, Dear Data" Kenneth Meseroll Ensign McDowell "The Next Phase" Andy Milder Boq'ta "Empok Nor" Bob Miles Cloud City Sentinel #2 "The Cloud Minders" ##NEW## Peggy Miley Regent Cuzar "Star Trek: Insurrection" Christopher James Miller Picard's Nephew [Rene] "Star Trek: Generations" Jeanette Miller Woman "Random Thoughts" Nina Minton Frola "Distant Origin" Don Mirault Hayne "Legacy" Ernie Mirich Waiter "Relics" Colin Mitchell Gorta "Firstborn" James X. Mitchell Lieutenant Josephs "Journey to Babel" Debi A. Monahan Melissa "His Way" Lisa Moncure Latia "The Quickening" Bill Mondy Jakin "Armageddon Game" Karen Montgomery Beata "Angel One" Dave Moordigian Klingon Crewman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Christopher Liam Moore Veer "Distant Origin" ##NEW## Johnny Moran Bajoran Man "Image in the Sand" Julie Morgan Singer in Nightclub "Star Trek: First Contact" Rosemary Morgan Piri "The Chute" Beans Morocco Rib "The Chute" Roger Morrissey Beta-Hirogen "Hunters" Mickey Morton Kloog "The Gamesters of Triskelion" Diane Moser Ten Forward Crewman "The Offspring" Samantha Mudd Chandler "Inquisition" Betty Muramoto Scientist "Deja Q" John M. Murdock Beggar "Time's Arrow, Part I" ##NEW## Donna Murphy Anij "Star Trek: Insurrection" Meghan Murphy Karya "Nemesis" Clayton Murray Militiaman #2 "Future's End, Part II" Tom Mustin Intern #1 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Paul Nakauchi Tygarian Officer "The Homecoming" Elaine Nalee Female Klingon "Hide and Q" 1st Sgt. Joseph Naradzay, USMC Marine Sergeant "STIV:TVH" Marcus Nash Young Picard "Tapestry" Obi Ndefo Drex "The Way of the Warrior" David Paul Needles Miner #1 "The Perfect Mate" Carolyn Nelson Yeoman Doris Atkins "The Deadly Years" Peter Neptune Crewman Aron "The Dauphin" Tom Nibley Neil "Starship Mine" Hassan Nicholas Jem'Hadar Boy "The Abandoned" Shari Nims Sayana "The Apple" Rae Norman Penny "Tapestry" Natalie Norwick Martha Leighton "The Conscience of the King" Gary O'Brien Crewmember "Elogium" Joycelyn O'Brien Cadet Haro "Allegiance" Shana O'Brien Omag's Woman "Unification, Part II" Terrence O'Connor Chief Ross "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Shannon O'Hurley Programmer "The Thaw" Thomas Oglesby Scholar "Loud As a Whisper" Heather Lauren Olson Jil Orra "Chain of Command, Part II" David Orange Sleepy Klingon "Star Trek VI: TUC" Jack R. Orend Human "Crossover" Bob Orrison Policeman/Guard "Bread and Circuses" Man in Bar "Spectre of the Gun" Jimmy Ortega Torres "Encounter at Farpoint" Richard Ortega-Miro Rainer "Thine Own Self" Ron Ostrow Borg Drone "One" Jim Palladino Jem'Hadar Guard "In Purgatory's Shadow" Andrew Palmer Borg "Star Trek: First Contact" Jem'Hadar Soldier "Favor the Bold" Charles Palmer Vulcan Litter Bearer "Amok Time" Derek Partridge Dionyo "Plato's Stepchildren" Rick Pasqualone Toral "The Sword of Kahless" Christian Patrick Chief Transporter Tech. "The Alternative Factor" Randal Patrick Crewman #1 "Evolution" Susan Patterson Ensign Kaplan "Future's End" "Future's End, Part II" "Unity" Joe Paz Vulcan Litter Bearer "Amok Time" Russ Peek Vulcan Executioner "Amok Time" Edward Penn Kateras "Homeward" Wayne Pere Guill "Random Thoughts" Ernest Perry, Jr. Admiral Whatley "Rapture" Randy Pflug Holodeck Shape [Uncred.] "Identity Crisis" Guard "Dramatis Personae" Gary Pillar Yutan "A Private Little War" Garth Pillsbury Wilson "Mirror, Mirror" Prisoner "The Cloud Minders" Martin Pistone Controller #2 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" ##NEW## Greg Poland Edoran Officer #2 "Star Trek: Insurrection" Naomi Pollack Indian Woman "The Paradise Syndrome" Lieutenant Rahda "That Which Survives" Vadia Potenza Spock..Age 13 "ST III: The Search for Spock" William Powell-Blair Cardassian Officer "Emissary" Gerard Prendergast Bjorn Benson "Home Soil" Norm Prescott Voice of Romulan Crewman "The Practical Joker" Thomas Prisco Heler "Indiscretion" Paul Prokop Guard "Mirror, Mirror" Ray Proscia Vidiian Commander "Deadlock" Jeff Pruitt Ensign "Dramatis Personae" Geof Prysirr Hanjuan "Rise" Don Pugsley Alien Visitor "Concerning Flight" Francine Pyne Blonde Nancy Crater (III) "The Man Trap" Stephen Ralston Larg "Real Life" Mary Linda Rapelye Irina Galliulin "The Way to Eden" Alice Rawlings Jamie Finney "Court Martial" Kirk Raymone Duur "Friday's Child" Cloud Guard #1 "The Cloud Minders" ##NEW## Martin Rayner Dr. Chaotica "Night" Jerry Rector Alien #1 "Allegiance" Ian Reddin Security Guard "The Menagerie" Jan Reddin Crewman "Space Seed" Tina Reddington Girl "Remember" Gregory Reece Man in Bar "Spectre of the Gun" Arlee Reed Waiter "Starship Mine" Hayseed "Emergence" Margaret Reed Serova "Force of Nature" Ryan Reid Transporter Technician "Power Play" Larry Riddle Officer "The Alternative Factor" Roger Rignack Miner #2 "The Perfect Mate" Jerry Roberts Meso'Clan "Hippocratic Oath" Rachel Robinson Melanie "The Visitor" Tony Rocco Klingon Crewman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Darleen Roddenberry Dirty-faced Girl in Flowered Dress "Miri" Dawn Roddenberry Little Blonde Girl "Miri" Peggy Roeder Y'Pora "The Begotten" Ronald R. Rondell Henchman "Star Trek: First Contact" Michael Rose Niles "The Maquis, Part I" Jane Ross Tamoon "The Gamesters of Triskelion" Paul Rossilli Brigadier Kerla "Star Trek VI: TUC" Susie Rossitto Lizard #1 "Threshold" Richard Rothenberg Cadet "The First Duty" Michael Rougas Lieutenant Cleary "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Allan G. Royal Captain Braxton "Future's End" "Future's End, Part II" Mauri Russell Vulcan Bell Carrier "Amok Time" Richard Ryder Bajoran Deputy "Babel" William Sadler Sloan "Inquisition" Irene Sale Louise "Miri" Laura Jane Salvato Gia "Accession" ##NEW## Cuauhtemoc Sanchez Bajoran Crewman "Shadows and Symbols" Serena Sande 2nd Talosian "The Cage" Bob Sarlatte Waiter "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Dugan Savoye Man "Eye of the Beholder" Jill Sayre Marta "The Abandoned" Rick Schatz Medic "Ties of Blood and Water" Lou Scheimer Voice of Romulan Cmdr. "The Practical Joker" Voice of Demos "Albatross" Folkert Schmidt Doctor "Contagion" Joel Schultz Klingon Crewman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Adam Scott Defiant Conn Officer "Star Trek: First Contact" Ted Scott Eraclitus "Plato's Stepchildren" Walter Scott Cloud Guard #3 "The Cloud Minders" Dick Scotter Navigator Painter "This Side of Paradise" Tony Sears Starfleet Officer "Message in a Bottle" Karole Selmon Yareena "Code of Honor" Harv Selsby Security Guard "The Cloud Minders" Howard Shangraw Tolar "In the Pale Moonlight" Douglas Alan Shanklin Prison Guard #2 "ST III: The Search for Spock" Eric Sharp Map Vendor "Fair Trade" Ann Shea Nellen "The Drumhead" Fred Shue Crewman "This Side of Paradise" John Kenton Shull Molor "Firstborn" Security Officer "Shakaar" K'Temang "Return to Grace" Kazon #2 "Basics, Part II" Lise Simms Wife "Year of Hell, Part II" Jonathan Simpson Young Sarek "STV:TFF" Keith Simpson Voice of Young Spock "Yesteryear" Keely Sims Farmer's Daughter "Caretaker" Reginald Lal Singh Captain Chandra "Court-Martial" Frank Owen Smith Curzon Dax "Emissary" Fred G. Smith Policeman "The High Ground" Greg 'Christopher' Smith Male Guard "Nor the Battle to the Strong" Michael Bailey Smith Hanonian #1 "Basics, Part II" Symba Smith Aluura "Profit and Lace" Norman Snow Torin "Rightful Heir" Ted Sorel Kaval "Duet" Cindy Sorenson Furry Animal "The Dauphin" Lizard #2 "Threshold" Douglas Spain Young Chakotay "Tattoo" Adrian Sparks Magistrate "Retrospect" Doug Spearman Alien Buyer "Concerning Flight" Lance Spellerberg Transporter Chief Herbert "We'll Always Have Paris" Ensign Herbert "The Icarus Factor" Jim Spencer Air Policeman "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" Jerry Spicer Guard "Time and Again" Jerry Sroka Laxeth "Investigations" Robin Stapler Alixia "Mortal Coil" Joi Staton Servant "Qpid" Carrie Stauber Romulan "In Purgatory's Shadow" "By Inferno's Light" Mary Stein Alien Nurse "Time's Arrow, Part II" Eric Steinberg Paul Porter "Star Trek: First Contact" Brooke Stephens Naomi Wildman "Mortal Coil" J.C. Stevens Kes Aide "Attached" Charles J. Stewart Captain Ramart "Charlie X" Kevin P. Stillwell Moklor "Day of Honor" Scott Strozier Security Officer "Star Trek: First Contact" Security Guard "Resurrection" Eric Stuart Stairway Guard "Past Tense, Part I" Susan J. Sullivan Woman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Max Supera Patterson "Disaster" Keith Sutherland Voice of Young Sepek "Yesteryear" Jandi Swanson Katie "When the Bough Breaks" Woody Talbert Crewman "The Naked Time" Newell Tarrant CDO Rogerson "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Richard Tatro Norman "I, Mudd" S.A. Templeman John Bates "The Defector" Charles Tentindo Jimenez "Crossfire" The Loop Group Background Voices "ST III: The Search for Spock" Craig Thomas Klingon Crewman "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Sharon Thomas Waitress "ST III: The Search for Spock" Garland Thompson Crewman #2 "Charlie X" Technician Wilson "The Enemy Within" Colleen Thornton Barbara series "I, Mudd" Maureen Thornton Barbara series "I, Mudd" Mike Timoney Electronic Technician "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Mark Tobin Joaquim "Space Seed" Klingon #1 "Day of the Dove" Shay Todd Holowoman "Alter Ego" Tom Todoroff Darod "Resistance" Paul Tompkins Brevelle "Identity Crisis" ##NEW## Jennifer Tong Female Ensign "Star Trek: Insurrection" John Towey Vedek Ossan "Resurrection" Sherri Townsend Crewwoman "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" David Troy Lt. Larry Maston "The Conscience of the King" Raymond D. Turner Teacher "The Bonding" Nikki Tyler [Uncr.] Annika's Mother "Scorpion, Part II" "The Raven" Gabrielle Union N'Garen "Sons and Daughters" Beau Vandenecker Sam "Charlie X" Reese Vaughn Latimer "The Galileo Seven" Steve Vaught Officer "Time and Again" Vladimir Velasco Tan Tsu "Legacy" Ron Veto Eminian Guard/Technician "A Taste of Armageddon" [Unc.] Security Guard "The Alternative Factor" Jean-Paul Vignon Edourd "We'll Always Have Paris" Peter Virgo Jr. Lumo "The Paradise Syndrome" Marcy Vosburgh Computer Voice "ST II: The Wrath of Khan" ##NEW## Gregory Wagrowski Capt. Solok "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" William A. Wallace Adult Wesley Crusher "Hide and Q" Marvin Walters Troglyte "The Cloud Minders" Kenneth Washington John B. Watkins "That Which Survives" Suzanne Wasson Lethe "Dagger of the Mind" James Louis Watkins Hagon "Code of Honor" Barbara Weber Dancing Woman "The Return of the Archons" Paul Weber Vulcan Master "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Joan Webster Nurse "Space Seed" Jon David Weigand Borg "Star Trek: First Contact" Andreana Weiner Kestra "Dark Page" ##NEW## Michael Welch Artin "Star Trek: Insurrection" James Wellman Professor Starnes "And the Children Shall Lead" ##NEW## McKenzie Westmore Ba'ku Woman "Star Trek: Insurrection" Brad Weston Ed Appel "Devil in the Dark" Bridget Ann White Larell "Who Mourns for Morn?" Callan White Krite "The Outcast" Diz White Prostitute "Elementary, Dear Data" Parker Whitman Cardassian Officer "Emissary" Karl Wiedergott Ameron "Warlord" Davida Williams Lisa "Children of Time" Wade Williams Trajis Lo-Tarik "One" ##NEW## Zachary Williams Ba'ku Child "Star Trek: Insurrection" Starr Wilson Maisie series "I, Mudd" Tamara Wilson Maisie series "I, Mudd" David Windsor Transporter Chief Kelso "The Quality of Life" Kathleen Wirt Aphasia Victim "Babel" Sheldon Peters Wolfchild Joe Falling Hawk "Time's Arrow, Part I" Nancy Wong Personnel Officer "Court-Martial" Laura Wood Old Lady "Charlie X" Elaine Johnson "The Deadly Years" ##NEW## D. Elliot Woods Starfleet Officer "Star Trek: Insurrection" Marc Worden Alexander Rozhenko "Sons and Daughters" "You Are Cordially Invited" Dan Woren Borg "Star Trek: First Contact" James Worthy Koral "Gambit, Part II" Gary Wright Vulcan Litter Bearer "Amok Time" Melissa Young Caprice "Our Man Bashir" Nancy Youngblut Taleen "Displaced" Daniel Zacapa Henry Garcia "Past Tense, Part II" Robert Zachar Head Guard "Apocalypse Rising" Borg "Star Trek: First Contact" Grace Zandarski Latara "Accession" 1st Lt. Donald W. Zautcke, USMC Marine Lieutenant "STIV:TVH" Sam Zeller Ch'Targh "Sons and Daughters" Bo Zenga Asoth "Babel" Jillian Ziesmer Asha "Cardassians" Christian Zimmerman Third Lamat'Ukan "One Little Ship" Richard J. Zobel, Jr. Chancellor Gorman "The Raven" *************************************************************************** (c) Copyright 1994-1999 Ron C. Carman +*************************************************************************+